
Porsche Australia launches carbon offset program for drivers

Porsche has announced a new carbon offset facility for Australian drivers.

The Porsche Impact program gives people the opportunity to calculate the annual carbon-footprint of their vehicle, and offset that impact by contributing to one of two carbon-reduction projects locally.

Considering Australians drive an average of 13,300 kilometres each year, at an average fuel consumption rate of 13.4 litres per 100km, the 4.13 tons of CO2 produced would cost roughly $115 to offset annually – much in the same way carbon offsets can be purchased when buying an aeroplane ticket.

While the program has been launched by Porsche, it can be utilised by drivers of any make of car. Simply enter your average annual mileage and your car's fuel consumption, and the calculator on the Porsche Impact website will provide a cost to offset the carbon produced.

Money from Porsche Impact is managed by South Pole, and sent to one of two local projects.

The first project, at Mount Sandy in South Australia (seen in these photos), is aiming to rejuvenate the area with local flora and fauna, helping to restore local habitat that was previously lost to cleared farmland.

Myamyn, the second project located in the Annya State Forest in Victoria's south west, will rehabilitate around 20 hectares of land to help provide a secure home for endangered plant and animal species.

Porsche Australia is also participating in the scheme, offsetting the carbon produced by the company's entire fleet – this includes company cars, press cars, and vehicles used in the Porsche Track Experience driver training programs.

To calculate your car's annual carbon output, visit the Porsche Impact website by clicking here.

Ben Zachariah

Ben Zachariah is an experienced writer and motoring journalist from Melbourne, having worked in the automotive industry for more than two decades. Ben began writing professionally more than 15 years ago and was previously an interstate truck driver. He completed his MBA in Finance in early 2021 and is considered an expert on classic car investment.

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