
Lego Caterham Seven:: Vote to make super superlight car kit reality

If you participate in one online partition this year, then make it one that matters: a vote to support a potential new Lego kit of a perennial favourite, the Caterham 7.

An enterprising engineer - clearly with more time than you and I combined - has created the quintessential kit of the quintessential kit, hoping to follow the likes of the Mars Rover and Back to the Future DeLorean in going from Lego Ideas forum to shops.

The Caterham 7 design looks impressive, and includes details such as individual throttle body intakes, racing harness and side-exit exhaust.

LEGO Ideas submissions require 10,000 votes to move to the next stage - a review by Lego itself.

If successful, the Caterham would join recent Lego models of the Volkswagen Kombi and Mini Cooper to grace the shelves of toy shops around the world.

So get clicking and support something we know we'd like in our Christmas stocking.

James Ward

With over 20 years of experience in digital publishing, James Ward has worked within the automotive landscape since 2007 and brings experience from the publishing, manufacturer and lifestyle side of the industry together to spearhead Drive's multi-media content direction.

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