
Daredevil Guerlain Chicherit crashes in world record Mini jump attempt

French daredevil Guerlain Chicherit has avoided serious injury after a practice run of his world record Mini jump attempt literally came crashing down overnight.

Aiming to beat the 100-metre record set by fellow rally stuntman Tanner Foust in 2011, Chicherit launched his modified Mini Countryman over a specially prepared jump in Tignes in the southern Rhone-Alpes region of France but came down to Earth in a dramatic somersaulting wreck.

Shocked spectators watched on and filmed the crash – their footage showing the Countryman rolling several times before coming to a rest on its side.

French newspaper Le Dauphine reports emergency services were quick to the scene before Chicherit was transported to hospital in a helicopter.

Late last night, Chicherit’s team posted this update to his public Facebook fan page:

“Guerlain is doing good and has already reviewed video footage of the jump to see what went wrong. He got out of the car himself, slightly injured and will now get a precautionary MRI to check that everything is fine. Further updates to follow once information is released.”

Chicherit himself posted a hospital bed selfie earlier today confirming his health, thanking fans for their support, and quoting Winston Churchill:

“Cheers everybody!!! Thanks a lot for all your supports!!! I have to stay to the hospital for the night just for safety, I'm all ok!!!

“’Success is not final, failure isn't fatal: it’s the courage to continue that counts.’”

There’s no word at this stage if or when Chicherit will make another attempt at Foust’s record.

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