
Why Australia isn’t getting this cute Toyota electric ute

Japanese car giant Toyota has unveiled a new cute-as-a-button electric ute concept – called the IMV – but for now it has been ruled out for Australia. Here's why.

Toyota has unveiled a clever, box-shaped, city-size electric ute concept that aims to bring a new level of affordability to electric commercial vehicles – and give small business operators a boost – however for now it has been ruled out for Australia.

The Toyota IMV concept – a series of small electric vans aimed at developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region – was unveiled during today's opening of the 2023 Tokyo Motor Show.

Toyota says it will deliver a level of capability and affordability never seen before in the electric car market, and will be among the first of its type in the delivery sector.

However it has already been ruled out for local showrooms because, according to industry analysts, it has not been developed to meet high safety standards required in Europe and Australia.

The name IMV stands for International Multi Purpose Vehicle, which refers in Toyota's world includes global models such as the HiLux ute.

However, not all IMV products are sold in all global regions, due to varying safety standards requirements.

("The IMV) is not intended for Australian requirements," the sales and marketing boss for Toyota Australia, Sean Hanley, told media. 

"I need to make that clear. It’s a concept for a mobility solution in our Asian market.

"That's because Toyota does not take a one-size-fits-all approach to our vehicles or our powertrains.

"We are committed to developing vehicles based on the lifestyles and needs of our potential owners around the world."

The executive said the Toyota IMV (an Asian market ute concept) and the Toyota EPU (Electric Pick-Up) "represent two very different ends of the automotive spectrum for very different needs and different customers.

"As we’ve said before, Toyota is committed to providing mobility for all. We’re committed to leaving nobody behind. And you’re seeing that in the diversity of the (concept vehicles) today."

When asked for more information about why the Toyota IMV has been ruled out for Australia, the executive said: "We've got our (ute) model line-up with Hilux, and (the Toyota IMV concept) is just not a real good fit right now.

"So within our model lineup, we’re pretty set right now. 

"(The IMV) will be a great addition for the for the Asian market, but it just shows the diversity of Toyota’s product line-up and product thinking.

"We don't take every car. There are cars in the US, cars in Europe, cars in Asia, cars in Australia. We don't take all of them, but we take what's suitable for our customers.

"And that's what that's what is so deeply important about what you're seeing here today. It's all about being a mobility solution for all (regions around the world), not just a few."

Joshua Dowling

Joshua Dowling has been a motoring journalist for more than 20 years, spending most of that time working for The Sydney Morning Herald (as motoring editor and one of the early members of the Drive team) and News Corp Australia. He joined CarAdvice / Drive in 2018, and has been a World Car of the Year judge for more than 10 years.

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